You're probably reading this, half wondering why anyone would need help doing their groceries and half curious as to why people actually would voluntarily go on a shopping tour at all? Many of us believe if we stick to the outer perimeters of the store and avoid the processed goods in the middle, that our waist lines are sure to shrink.
While this is true, our dedicated trainers have decided they would like to encourage their clients to take this strategy a few steps further and help guide them in choosing what specific foods should go into their carts and introduce them to the areas of the store that are most beneficial.
Here's where our tour begins...
Firstly, your grocery visit should start in the produce section. Many people stop here last before checkout. Yet, if we know that half of every plate of food should primarily consist of veggies - they really should take up most of our trolley as well as most of our food budget. Plus, if we fill up a generous amount of the trolley with produce, we’ll have less room for the treats or misses in our diet.
Here, we will go through the order by which our trainers encourage you to shop on each tour. From there, it’s down to specifics such as what exactly to put in your trolley and how to put these ingredients together to keep meals interesting and affordable.
Stop 1: Produce Section (Vegetables and Fruit)
The more colourful the better! Choose seasonal produce and items that are the most vibrant. Aim for organic whenever possible.
Stop 2: Meat/Cheese Counter
Choose organic, certified meats as often as possible. Look for descriptive words including “grass-fed beef,” “free-range chicken,” “cage-free eggs,” “nitrite free deli meat,” and "wild fish." Go for organic, aged-cheeses and/or goat cheese.
Stop 3: Bulk Section (Nuts/Seeds/Oats)
Go for raw nuts and seeds as often as possible, and skip the chocolate covered and/or sweetened varieties. Try making your own trail mix from this section! Limit the dried fruit and choose sulphate-free. The true whole grains live here – unprocessed and in their natural form. Choose quinoa, wild/black rice, amaranth, oats or milled flax seed as optimal choices.
Stop 4: Refrigerator/Freezer Section
Choose organic dairy foods (e.g. yoghurt, milk, etc.), and pick the plain and full-fat versions whenever possible. Choose unsweetened versions of dairy alternatives (e.g. almond or coconut milk, etc).
Finally, choose frozen fruit or vegetable packages without added flavourings.
Stop 5: Centre Aisles
Avoid most options in the these aisles, but use them to find spices, oils, tuna fish, nut butters etc.
Now we have the basics aside, we can teach you the lessons that are the difference between success and failure in achieving your fitness goals.
These lessons will include: how to read labels, avoid marketing and sales tactics, how to plan your meals and how to make your shop affordable.
Our Healthy Eating Shopping Tour is the first program of its' kind to be introduced within our club. If you’re a club member, talk to one of our staff to find out how you can secure your place for our first tour on March the 3rd, 2019.